Episode 12: Musculoskeletal Conditions Part 3: Hips/Pelvic Floor

Back to the physical body, let’s look at some of the most common reasons individuals come to yoga for hip and pelvic floor related conditions. Specifically looking at common searches revealing hip pain, bursitis, flexors, flexibility, hip replacement, back pain and arthritis. For the pelvis there is pain the pelvic floor, pain, tilt, inflammatory disease, during after pregnancy pain. Lets begin with some basic anatomy and move through common causes and recommendations.

-Hip is a ball and socket joint. It is the strongest joint in the body and only out mobilized by the shoulder. The hip is made for stability and weight bearing. 

-Male vs. Female pelvis: The sciatic notch is widener in the female pelvis, which is more oval, thinner, shorter and denser. The male pelvis has a long narrow sacrum and is more heart shaped, heavier, taller and thicker. The male coccyx or tailbone is curved in while the female coccyx is almost straight. All the differences of course are to facilitate childbirth.

-Yoga and other movement based therapies are great for understanding your anatomical needs and educating yourself, preventative medicine, self-compassion with injury recover and childbirth and acceptance of changes associated with these.

While we find the best images for our site, please feel free to reference the following resources for anatomical photos and diagrams.

Show Resources:

-Lauren Fisherman & Ellen Saltonstall - Yoga for Arthritis Prevention: Healthy Hips (https://www.yogauonline.com/yogauproduct/7301)

-Taking Root to Fly: Articles on Functional Anatomy 3 Revised by Dowd, Irene (1995) Paperback https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OVM6JXA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_eM5XBbMY0CB2N

-Yogabody: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Asana https://www.amazon.com/dp/1930485212/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_qN5XBbZAS3G0T


Tonya Drew