Episode 13: Plug Into Life’s Energy

Living by our to do lists going from one task to another makes it even difficult to focus on only one type of energy. Finding balance is what we strive for and need. Connecting to our core energy helps to balance the yin and yang of life.

Ask yourself:

-Are you quick to handle things on your own vs asking for support?

-Are you caring for others and not allowing enough space to allow them to return the favor?

If you have no boundaries or goal setting strategies you end up working in circles and all efforts are futile. It is important to plug into life’s energy and unplug from everything else.


-Getting in touch with your energy gives you a place to ground and restore your being.

-Self-care gives you balance and the ability to keep going. Each day ask yourself “Have I done one thing for myself today.”

-When you work on yourself and examine your boundaries, intuition, healing past wounds you you honor these things feel connected, energized and flow.

-Consider sitting quietly for 9 minutes each day and practice a mental gratitude list.

-Some things that may help you reconnect are: a daily read, hot tea, prayer, peace protection essential oil spray, charcoal shower, self-massage, facial, biking, walks on the beach, connections with loved ones, etc.

-Take time to sit in stillness to check in with yourself because your energy is a constant state of movement and change. As you go through your day your energy is constantly reflecting, absorbing,protecting and even deflecting the energy of everything around you. Be mindful of what is yours, what is others, what energy you bring from home to work.

Show Resources:

-DailyOM: Inspirational Thoughts for a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling Day https://www.amazon.com/dp/1401920500/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_WEG1BbV6MGWCV

-A Year of Living Your Yoga: Daily Practices to Shape Your Life https://www.amazon.com/dp/1930485158/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_CFG1BbB4VGCG9

-The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction https://www.amazon.com/dp/157071777X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_WHG1BbX7PSAZR

-Meditations to Heal Your Life https://www.amazon.com/dp/1561706892/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_IIG1BbVTKEDSP

-Present Moment Wonderful Moment: Mindfulness Verses for Daily Living https://www.amazon.com/dp/1888375612/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_bJG1Bb8RRHHR3

Tonya Drew